Sep 25, 2019
Welcome! Today we start off with a general knowledge quiz, learn about the history of the camera, and finish off with a sports injury quiz that ended many careers. Enjoy!
Sep 18, 2019
Welcome back! Today Jeff has a new 10x55 quiz, Don talks about the "Whiskey Rebellion", and Billy gives a "cabin" themed quiz in this week's WOTR showdown. Enjoy!
Sep 11, 2019
We are back with another great episode! Today we discuss the guillotine and the Reign of Terror, The Amazon and the recent news, as well as the seasons and the mythology behind their creation. We learn a lot and we hope you do, too!
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Sep 4, 2019
Welcome to part two of the Disney Groupthink! Today, we talk about some of the greatest Disney movies of all time. We run through the animated classics from the 30's all the way to Moana in 2016. Join us as we continue our finish our exploration into the most magical place on earth!
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