Apr 24, 2019
Welcome back to Trivia Rogues Podcast!
This week, Don gives a 90's themed quiz, Billy goes into detail about Barbie, and then Jeff finishes with WotR with theme word "Cake".
Most importantly, Curtis King joins us as our first ever guest and he is giving all of the listeners a quiz! Those who participate go into a pool...
Apr 17, 2019
Today we have a good one! After Stump the Rogues we begin with Billy's themed quiz, then Jeff talks about a prohibition influencer named Carrie Nation, and Don talks some old board games. Enjoy!
Apr 10, 2019
Hey Rogue fans, today we are going to talk about one of golf's most prestigious tournaments, learn a bit about the prohibition era in America, and take part in another WOTR quiz to close out the show. As always, thanks for listening! Hope you enjoy!
Apr 3, 2019
Welcome back to another episode of Trivia Rogues Podcast! On today's show we have a couple of special announcements at the beginning of the show so please be sure to hear the news! Afterwards, Don talks about animal species that have been around for a very long time. Then, Jeff lets us know what brands are trademarked...